2016/12/13 - Apache Etch has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

Project Roadmap

The Apache Etch system currently includes the compiler, bindings for java, csharp and c, some documentation, and an ant based build system. Development for Etch cuts across the following categories:

Some of the projects necessarily cut across the above categories, e.g adding a new transport requires some programming in each binding implementation and documentation, etc.


The Etch language could be extended to include more descriptive information about the service being modeled. We have a few RFE's for extensions, some of which are well-thought out and some of which are sketchy.


Language Bindings

Improve the current language bindings. Add new bindings.






General aspects how the architecture could be extended and improved.

Concepts of Application Services

These are proposed services that could be used by any application or service. They abstract common activities through an Etch interface.


Etch Cloud services are services that facilitate the communication between multiple Etch consumers and producers. The following mantra is true for all Etch Cloud:

Neither a service (producer) nor application (consumer) should have to be overtly aware of any Etch cloud service. It should be possible to deploy a service or application with or without any supporting Etch cloud services, with no conditional code or changes to code. Etch cloud services are purely deployment time considerations and are not required for operation.

Etch Name Service - Etch URIs can be very long and cumbersome to maintain, the Etch Name Service allows an Etch Service to look-up the necessary connection URI using an abstract reference. more

Etch Router Service - Failover, redundancy, policy enforcement, geographic preference... the Etch Router helps Etch clients find just the right Etch service and stay connected. more


General purpose network-hosted log catcher


Who needs YAML files, pull your configuration over the network more


Many services in the web world have single sign on, Etch can too!


General project infos are documented via this web page. The documentation about the Etch framework and different language binding will be done with Docbook and as HTML and PDF provided.


While the unit tests assure some level of wire format compliance, nothing beats a validation test suite. We need to be able to plug in different (but compatible) transport options and then run a standard set of tests to verify that things still work (while mixing and matching bindings as well). There are two parts to this:

Here you can find a discussion on Interoperability Testing Framework.